Tips To Beat Seasonal Allergies and How Your HVAC System Can Help - Pacific Aire
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Tips To Beat Seasonal Allergies and How Your HVAC System Can Help

Ned Thetech

Allergy season is right around the corner and we all know how bad the air can be when that time comes. Having a properly functioning HVAC system can help prevent allergens from entering your home and reduce allergy symptoms.

According to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology, 50 million Americans suffer from allergy symptoms. A common misconception made by homeowners is the belief that spending more time indoors will reduce their exposure to allergens. This is not true as many allergens persist indoors and could potentially trigger allergies or asthma. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) says that indoor allergens include the following:

  • Pet dander
  • Wall-to-wall carpet
  • Soft furniture
  • Stuffed toys
  • Bedding
  • Damp areas
  • Indoor plants
  • Mattresses that don’t have allergy covers
  • Pillows and bedding you can’t wash in hot water

Then there is pollen or ragweed that can find its way into your air conditioner or your home. This is why we’re sharing these great tips to beat seasonal allergies and how your HVAC system can help:

Change Your Air Filter

To combat spring allergies, first, change your air filter. It is recommended to change filters every 3 months depending on the type you use. A dirty air filter will not allow clean air to pass through, making your air unhealthy and unclean to breathe. When you have a clean air filter, you’ll avoid allergies caused by dust and other airborne particles.  

Check the Air Ducts

Pollen, dust, mold, and mildew should be kept from entering your home through your air ducts. Air ducts that are too old or too dirty can’t function properly.

Because of something called the Venturi Effect, leaks in your ductwork are drawing air from the attic and depositing everything that is in your attic directly into your home. Everything! 

That includes:  

  • fiberglass batting or blown-in insulation 
  • processed materials, including paper and other cellulose-containing matter that has been treated with a fire retardant material, which can irritate eyes, skin, and the respiratory system. 
  • rodent droppings that are commonly found in home attics. 

Allergies can be triggered and diseases can be contracted by inhaling dried feces in the form of fungal spores, which can become airborne and infect the person inhaling them. 

What can you do about it? 

Right now pacific Aire is offering  $500 off a new Duct System + Air Scrubber + HVAC Filter 

Ensure Your AC Unit Is The Right Size                                                            

You need HVAC units that are the right size for your home. This prevents allergens from entering your HVAC system. A large AC unit will cool the space too quickly and then shut off, resulting in rapid temperature changes and fluctuating humidity. These factors provide ideal conditions for mold to grow. Pacific Aire can help with an air conditioner replacement that fits your home perfectly, as well as thermostats that have programs and zoning to make air conditioning more efficient.

Adjust The Humidity

Humidity problems can sometimes occur even if your house is properly cooled. Condensation occurs when the cool, conditioned air meets the warm air in the home. Moisture can cause mold to grow. Many HVAC systems include a dehumidifying process because this is a common issue. If yours does not, consider investing in a dehumidifier especially if you have mold in your house.

Keep Your Outdoor HVAC Unit Clean

You need to clean more than just your air ducts and air filters. Your outdoor unit may also need to be cleaned. Leaves and twigs may have clogged it, or they may be covered in dirt and allergens. You can introduce these allergens into your home if you don’t clean them.

Consider A MERV Filter

Air filters aren’t enough for some allergy sufferers. For these situations, you should inquire about MERV (Maximum Efficiency Reporting Value) filters. MERV-rated filters are designed to trap more than just dust and harmful microbes; the higher the MERV rating, the better the filter’s ability to capture pollen, dander, and other airborne allergens. Call the experts at Pacific Aire to learn more. 

Schedule a Tune-Up

Having your HVAC system tuned up regularly is essential if you suffer from allergies. As part of our 20-point AC tune-up and professional cleaning, an HVAC technician will inspect every part of your unit to ensure it’s working at peak efficiency. In addition, they will thoroughly clean the unit and ensure that no dirty air is circulating throughout the house. Our recommendation is to have your HVAC system tuned up twice yearly to ensure there are no problems and maintenance is done on time.

Get An Air Purifier

As an indoor air quality solution, air purifiers eliminate allergens as well.  Pacific Aire offers the ActivTek Air Scrubber, as either an in-duct for the whole house or the stand-alone portable unit. The ActivTek Air Scrubber utilizes ActivePure technology to substantially reduce visible smoke and odors in the air, and treat contamination on surfaces. The ActivTek Air Scrubber has been proven to reduce airborne and surface contaminants by as much as 99.999%

Visit or call us at 805-737-2564 to request installation and maintenance of your air purification system now. 

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