Heating Repair: 10 Mysteries About Your Furnace Answered - Pacific Aire
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Heating Repair: 10 Mysteries About Your Furnace Answered

Ned Thetech

HVAC experts get questions from frustrated homeowners all the time. These furnace mysteries may cause you to ask the same questions yourself. There may be some furnace repairs needed if the heaters are not maintained by professionals. 

Fortunately, we have gathered several solutions to help resolve your heating problems at home. Here are the top furnace mysteries unlocked to ensure your heater will perform the way it should:

What are the clues that your furnace needs repair?

In the event your home experiences poor indoor air quality, or any of these signs, make sure to contact your HVAC specialist.

  • Hearing weird noises in your heating system
  • Unusually high energy bills
  • Burning, rancidity and grease odors
  • Heating cycles that are irregular or inconsistent

When to repair your furnace’s air filters?

Most of the time, problems with your furnace only require minimal repair but sometimes need a full replacement. The air filter is essential in maintaining high indoor air quality.  If something is wrong with the air filters you may notice: 

  • The indoor air has an unpleasant smell in the house.
  • The air feels dirty or dusty.
  • The electric bill is unexpectedly high.

It is recommended that you replace the air filters every three months. This keeps the furnace clean, ensuring that the system works more efficiently and lasts longer. Other heating repairs may be needed if the air filters don’t improve the air quality.

What are the causes of poor indoor air quality?

Poor indoor air quality generally means that something is wrong inside the furnace. It is caused by either worn-out air filters, leaks in the air ducts, frozen evaporator coils, clogged furnace parts or broken fans and insulation. As a result, poor indoor air quality occurs because allergens, particles, and bacteria accumulate in  large quantities. 

Consequently, there is resistance inside the furnace. Since the furnace cannot operate freely, it uses more energy for the same amount of heating. Also, it causes parts to wear out faster.

When to repair your furnace’s thermostat? 

Maintaining a thermostat is just like maintaining any other device. It is possible for wires to corrode or unplug over time. Wear and tear on the parts will cause dirt to build up inside. The thermostat may be able to be cleaned and rewired. Usually, it is more cost effective to replace the thermostat rather than to maintain or repair it. Determine the best course of action together with your technician.

Repair on your furnace’s thermostat is needed when: 

  • The thermostat does not seem to be setting the right temperature.
  • You don’t see anything on the thermostat screen.
  • The thermostat is not responding.

Why is the furnace not blowing air?

Check the furnace’s inspection window. Clear any debris from the blower. There should also be a flashing light; green or red. Make sure you read the manual. A green light indicates everything is okay; a red light indicates you need to call for service. The furnace may have a problem with the thermostat, the blower motor, the running capacitor, the furnace control board, or the transformer if there is no light.

When to repair your blower motors and fans?

The heating process requires the use of fans and blower motors. Air movement is impossible without either one of these parts. Although the heating system itself may work just fine, your home will not get warm as air is stuck inside the system. The blower motor or fans might need repairs if:

  • There is no air movement in the air ducts.
  • The heating system is making strange noises.
  • A working thermostat doesn’t make the room feel warm.

Repairs should be scheduled for motors and fans immediately. When these signs of furnace problems are ignored, chances are that the HVAC system will overheat which can lead to further damage. Turn off your furnace and wait for your specialist if you suspect you need heating repairs.

Furnace maintenance is necessary in making sure the entire system is safe, clean, and efficient for use.

How does regular maintenance lower furnace repair costs?

  • Repairs and permanent damage is prevented.
  • Less build up occurs on sensitive parts.
  • Prevents restricted airflow which could put greater stress on the furnace.
  • It works to ensure all parts perform at their full capacity, so the furnace never has to work harder than it needs to.

Failure to properly maintain your HVAC system may lead to more costly damage.

How to find out if there’s poor home insulation? 

Even though the furnace is extremely efficient,  it still costs too much to run because of poor insulation. Most homes are protected against heat loss through the attic. On the other hand, the home’s interior has so many other places where heat escapes which leads to high energy cost. Insulating your home will cut furnace energy costs by reducing heat loss. Here are a few tips:

  • Make sure holes around doors are caulked and sealed.
  • Put carpets on the floor.
  • Fill empty spaces on the walls.
  • Air duct insulation is another option.
  • Install energy-efficient windows.

When do you need to replace your heating system?

An old or outdated furnace system uses a lot of energy. With age, the inefficiency of these furnaces increases. The typical furnace lasts for 10 to 15 years, depending on how often it’s used and its specifications. If you suspect that something is wrong with your furnace due to its age, contact an HVAC specialist for assistance. 

Is your heating system right for your home?

The furnace should be the correct size for the house. Technicians run a series of tests and measurements before a furnace is installed in a home to determine what furnace and furnace size is best suited for your home. It is possible for some homeowners to make errors and choose the wrong size furnace or install it incorrectly when they try to do it  themselves. These mistakes result in huge energy bills. Consult with an HVAC technician when you feel that there’s something wrong with the furnace

For any concerns about your furnace, we at Pacific Aire can identify and repair your heating system. If you’re unsure of what to do, schedule an appointment with our expert HVAC technicians.

For any other HVAC servicing needs, visit https://bit.ly/PacAire_HeatingRepair or call us at 805-465-5689.

Our expert team of technicians at Pacific Aire are professionally and highly trained, dependable and friendly.

We’re happy to take your call and be of service.

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