Common AC Failures and Fixes - Pacific Aire
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Common AC Failures and Fixes

Lisa Lewolt

As temperatures soar and the summer heat becomes increasingly uncomfortable, the reliance on air conditioning (AC) systems becomes more crucial than ever. However, even the most dependable AC units can encounter issues that disrupt their cooling efficiency. 


In this article, we will look into some of the most common AC failures and their corresponding remedies, ensuring you can stay comfortably cool throughout the summer months.


Thermostat Trouble


One of the common culprits behind AC malfunctions is thermostat issues. Sometimes, the problem isn’t with the AC unit itself, but rather with the settings controlling its operation. If your home remains warm despite your AC running, it’s worthwhile to inspect your thermostat settings. Something as simple as dead thermostat batteries or an incorrect mode selection might be causing your discomfort. Swapping out the batteries or adjusting the settings can swiftly restore the desired coolness to your living space.


Inspect Your Circuit Breaker


Take a moment to inspect both your home’s circuit breaker panel and the circuit breaker located outdoors, adjacent to the AC unit. If you suspect that a tripped breaker might be the cause of the AC malfunction, it’s advisable to delve into what might have triggered the trip before attempting a reset. In the event that you successfully reset the breaker but it trips again shortly after, it’s crucial not to repeat the process. Instead, seek the assistance of a professional technician who can accurately diagnose and effectively address the underlying issue.


Overgrown Vegetation


Another potential culprit behind your air conditioning unit’s sudden cessation could be excessive vegetation surrounding the system. The presence of grass, leaves, and debris poses a risk of obstructing the unit’s vents, thus leading to damage, particularly affecting the capacitor. Should you suspect that this situation might have occurred, it’s imperative to summon professional service. A skilled technician can evaluate the extent of the issue and take appropriate measures to restore proper functionality to your AC unit.


Dirty Filters


Have you ever noticed that your AC system seems to be running but isn’t delivering the level of coolness you expect? The culprit behind this annoyance could be something as mundane as a dirty air filter. Air filters play a vital role in maintaining indoor air quality and ensuring efficient AC operation. Over time, these filters accumulate dust, dirt, and other particles, obstructing proper airflow. When airflow is restricted, the AC’s cooling capacity is compromised. The solution? Regularly replace your air filters every 2 to 3 months to ensure optimal performance and prevent unnecessary strain on the system.


Blocked Condenser Coils


AC units comprise both indoor and outdoor components, and one common issue arises when the outdoor condenser coils become blocked or clogged with debris. Condenser coils are responsible for releasing the heat that the AC unit absorbs from inside your home. If these coils are impeded by leaves, dirt, or other debris, the AC’s ability to cool the air effectively diminishes. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the condenser coils and keeping the surrounding area clear, can significantly enhance the efficiency and longevity of your AC system.


Faulty Capacitors

When your AC unit stubbornly refuses to turn on, a malfunctioning capacitor could be the culprit. Capacitors are electrical components that provide the initial jolt of power needed to start the AC’s motors. Over time, capacitors can degrade or fail, preventing the AC unit from powering on altogether. Unlike some of the earlier issues that could be resolved with basic troubleshooting, dealing with faulty capacitors typically requires professional attention. Attempting a do-it-yourself repair in this situation can lead to further damage and is best avoided.


When it comes to combating the intense summer heat, air conditioning systems are essential allies. Understanding the common issues that can plague AC units and knowing how to address them empowers homeowners to maintain a comfortable indoor environment. From thermostat adjustments to regular air filter changes and proper maintenance of condenser coils, these seemingly minor tasks can have a profound impact on your AC system’s performance.


While some AC problems can be resolved through simple fixes, it’s important to recognize when an issue requires the expertise of professionals. Attempting complex repairs without the necessary skills and knowledge can exacerbate the problem and lead to more extensive damage. 


Pacific Aire recommends regular maintenance to keep your unit running efficiently. By scheduling a tune-up, you can avoid costly repairs and unexpected system failures.


Get in touch with us today if you suspect a problem with your air conditioner. Call us at 805-737-2564 or visit

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