AC Repair - Pacific Aire HVAC- Air Conditioning Repair Services

AC Repair

Pacific Aire Will Get You Back To Comfortable on a Hot Day

Ever wonder why your air conditioner will break down on the hottest day of the year? Many people think that it’s ‘Murphy’s Law’, but the truth is that on a hot day your air conditioner needs to work harder to cool down your home. The refrigerant pressure in your system increases and your air conditioner’s fan pushes harder to circulate cold air throughout your home. Your air conditioner needs more electricity to make all these things happen. After all, it is one of the largest pieces of equipment in your home.

Your air conditioner is an essential investment. Like any other equipment at home, your air conditioner needs proper upkeep. Regular preventive maintenance ensures that it functions at its best. A properly functioning HVAC system is one that will run at maximum efficiency, keeping your energy prices down. When your air conditioner malfunctions, it’s best to have a professional do the repairs and it is strongly recommended that it be done by the experts. Up to 70% of your energy bill is due to the usage of an inefficient heating and air conditioning unit. At Pacific Aire we can bring “cool aire” back to your home quickly and efficiently to ensure all of your hard earned money isn’t wasted on sub-standard parts and service.

Some of the more common repairs we see are:

  • Disconnected or damaged duct work
  • Rodent or pet damage to wiring
  • Pet urination rotting the coil of an outdoor Air Conditioner
  • Broken thermostat
  • Refrigerant leak

Pacific Aire is committed to repairing your Air Conditioner to bring “cool air” back to your home quickly and efficiently. Below you will find several benefits to choosing Pacific Aire to repair your broken air conditioner.

Pacific Aire Experience

  • Same Day / 24 Hour Air Conditioning Service
  • Expert HVAC technicians
  • Low Diagnostic fee
  • Fast and efficient Air Conditioning Repair Services
  • EPA Certified / Environmentally conscious

Pacific Aire, Inc. has been recognized both locally and nationally as an exemplary HVAC contractor. This achievement has been the result of constant evaluation and improvement of systems, policies, and procedures. Our top priority is to ensure that each and every customer receives an experience that exceeds their expectations.


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