10 Tips To Protect Yourself From Poor Air Quality - Pacific Aire
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10 Tips To Protect Yourself From Poor Air Quality

Ned Thetech

Air Pollution is a silent killer that should not be ignored. Its effects are so harmful that it can lead to chronic diseases such as asthma and cancer. It can even adversely impact infant brain development. Various non-governmental organizations and government environmental protection agencies encourage people to take part in the battle for cleaner and healthier air.

We have listed some simple and effective tips on how to protect yourself and your family from air pollution:


1. When pollution levels are high, avoid exercising outside 

If the air quality is bad outside, you can walk in a mall or gym or use an exercise machine. Choose physical activities that you can do in the comfort of your home.


2. Reduce children’s exposure to air pollution from diesel school buses 

Diesel emissions negatively affect children’s respiratory health and aggravate long-term conditions like asthma. Since school buses emit diesel exhaust emissions, you can reduce your child’s exposure to it by encouraging the school to reduce school bus emissions. One strategy involves not idling school buses outside buildings to reduce exhaust levels. There are other strategies outlined in the EPA’s Clean School Bus USA Campaign which encourages school districts to take action to remove these dirty emissions.


3. Reduce energy consumption at home 

Creating electricity and other energy sources produces air pollution. With energy conservation, you can help improve air quality, lessen greenhouse gas emissions, encourage lower energy dependency and lower your electric bill. Here are some energy-saving tips from energy.gov to make your home more energy efficient and prepare it as warmer temperatures arrive. 


4. Check the air quality forecast

View the daily air pollution forecast in your area. Get air quality data where you live by going to airnow.gov. It will show you the air quality forecast based on your zip code. It will also show the unhealthy air quality around your neighborhood using a color-coded forecast. You may also check different sources such as local radio, TV weather reports or newspapers. 


5. Exercise away from high traffic areas 

Walking or running near a road with heavy traffic for fitness may be risky, and may negatively affect your health. It can cause more harm than good, such as respiratory problems from exposure to exhausts from the vehicles. The pollution levels on busy highways can travel up to one-third of a mile even when air quality forecasts are green. Polluted areas include metropolitan areas, busy streets, motorways and industrial areas. Exercise is best enjoyed in green spaces away from high-density traffic.


6. Be involved and take action by checking clean air campaigns 

There are several clean air campaigns that you can check such as the Healthy Air Campaign. Learn how the quality of the air you breathe impacts your health. Know who is most at risk from air pollution. Research ways to fight air pollution, and take action to stop it.


7. Do not allow smoking in public areas or indoors 

Support efforts to make all public places smoke free. Secondhand smoke causes disease and premature death. Based on studies, smokefree laws that prohibit smoking in public places help improve the health of the general public.


8. Choose hand-powered or electric lawn care equipment over gasoline-powered 

This small engine is a big polluter as it emits high levels of carbon monoxide. In small gas engines, emission control has not been considered a crucial design factor until recently. Some older engines like lawnmowers do not have pollution controls. There are other small engines that are considered big polluters even more than cars.


9. Consider alternatives to driving your car 

We can significantly impact air quality through our transportation choices. The vehicles we drive have an effect on the environment. More than half of all carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions come from motor vehicles. Healthier alternatives to driving are walking and biking. Consider carpooling and combining trips to reduce gas emissions. Commuting by public transportation such as buses, subways and light rail systems are also ways to lessen our carbon footprint. 


10. Only burn clean, untreated wood 

Do not burn plywood, wet wood, treated wood, particle board, plastics, colored newspaper or magazines. Burning garbage or waste materials is illegal. These items may release harmful air pollutants like toxic heavy metals and other air pollutants that can hurt your health and the environment. In many areas of the country, burning wood and trash is a major source of particle pollution.



Healthy indoor air will ensure that you and your family can breathe easy. At Pacific Aire, we install and maintain air scrubbers to reduce particulate matter, odors, and organisms in the air. Pacific Aire offers no-cost estimates and Same-Day installation for Air Scrubbers. 

Our Nasa Engineered Air Purification technology attaches directly to the HVAC system ductwork. It uses specialized germicidal UV light waves along with a proprietary catalytic process that destroys 99% of all pathogens and contaminants on surfaces and in the air that can cause respiratory irritation and infection. It’s even effective against DNA and RNA viruses, helping to protect your family from illness. 

Unlike air filters that are passive – our filters actively treat the air by continually sending out air scrubbers throughout your home. We will also replace your old HVAC filter to prevent your equipment from working harder, increasing energy consumption and driving up your monthly energy bills. 

To request installation and maintenance of your air purification system now, visit https://bit.ly/PacAire_request_service or call us at 805-737-2564.


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